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Ignore that Windows Update at your own peril!

Here at MJD our security offering to our clients will help to take care of your Windows Updates.  It will check the updates that come through which aren’t zero day and once tested will be deployed to your Windows devices with our security package.  You may be asking what is a zero day update?  This is an update from the software provider which is so important and of a high priority that it must be applied as soon as it is released.  However, you may notice from time to time you’ll get an email from us asking about a device which is out of date.  This may be that it hasn’t been on for a significant period of time, or that you’ve been aware of the update required to be carried out and have been delaying the update to “later”.

Now, we’re not denying that when you’ve got multiple documents and spreadsheets open, your business management software and emails etc open on your desktop and Windows announces “You have an update!” it can be incredibly inconvenient timing to carry out the update there and then.  And in this case, it’s fine to delay until when you finish that night.  It is highly important that the Windows update is installed as soon as possible.

While it can seem like software updates are an annoying feature and functionality changing demon, they are actually an extremely important part of the security of your device.  Operating System manufacturers are constantly updating their software to combat recent virus, malware and hacking attacks to close off holes in the defences of the software.  This means, if you delay in installing your Windows update, you might potentially be leaving your PC open to virus, malware or hacking attempts!

This is why Windows Updates are so important and why our monitoring software helps us to let you know when devices are out of date.  This in turn allows us to get in touch and ask you to switch the device on and allow the updates to take place.  This is all part of the security management in your network and it should be viewed with the same importance as the other elements of your security package.  If you have any questions about Windows updates, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team here at MJD.